

Videoansøgning, Jura.mp4

379 views 16. december 2020



Pinpoint your skills

325 views 9. december 2020

What can you do and what would you like to do? To get a job the answer to this question is...


How to analyze a job ad

265 views 9. december 2020

Analyze the job ad and call companies with relevant questions – you will get information, that...


Practice your pitch

310 views 9. december 2020

If you can’t present what you can do – it is hard to get a job. A pitch comes in handy in all...


Networking: The best hack for your job search

248 views 9. december 2020

Information you get from networking may well be the way to your next job.


Tips and tricks for unsolicited job search

298 views 9. december 2020

Get a piece of the pie - and apply unsolicited!


How to make a great CV

407 views 9. december 2020

Are you yet to crack the code on writing a good CV? Or do you want to get even better?


Cover letter - do's and don'ts

327 views 9. december 2020

Your first step towards a job is to slip through the needle eye of being called to an interview.


Planning and motivation

283 views 9. december 2020

If you see your job search as a job and start planning wisely – you will most likely become more...


IDA LinkedIn tutorial

701 views 30. september 2020

A tutorial on how to use LinkedIn as a database.


Kan du bruge coronasituationen som en tænkepause?

355 views 7. april 2020

Der er gode og dårlige ting ved at arbejde hjemmefra under coronasituationen. Vil du drøfte din...