Ingeniørforeningen, IDA
Pinpoint your skills
What can you do and what would you like to do? To get a job the answer to this question is...
How to analyze a job ad
Analyze the job ad and call companies with relevant questions – you will get information, that...
Practice your pitch
If you can’t present what you can do – it is hard to get a job. A pitch comes in handy in all...
Networking: The best hack for your job search
Information you get from networking may well be the way to your next job.
Tips and tricks for unsolicited job search
Get a piece of the pie - and apply unsolicited!
How to make a great CV
Are you yet to crack the code on writing a good CV? Or do you want to get even better?
Cover letter - do's and don'ts
Your first step towards a job is to slip through the needle eye of being called to an interview.
Planning and motivation
If you see your job search as a job and start planning wisely – you will most likely become more...
Techtopia 172: Alternative forestillinger om...
Den amerikanske queer-kunstner Mirabelle Jones har med inspiration i science fiction skabt en...
IDA selvstændig - Hvad kan IDA hjælpe dig med?
Medvirkende: Kirsten Lynge (Bestyrelsesmedlem, IDA Selvstændig) og Morten Møller (Næstformand,...
IDA Forsikring
IDA Forsikringsberegner: Sådan beregner du din...
Hos IDA Forsikring har vi gjort det let for dig at få en pris for dine forsikringer. Du indtaster...
TECHTOPIA 171: Skab meningsfuld teknologi for...
Hvordan designer vi teknologi til mennesker og ikke bare til processer? Det spørgsmål søger...